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Our Stories
Our stories

Natasha Ashley,

“People do not know enough about preventing cancer, or of the available cancer support services in the community,” says Natasha Ashley Jacob, a fourth year medical student who volunteered with us for six weeks last year.

“My time with NCSM has showed me how we can help patients in non-medical ways, which gave me a new perspective,” she says.

Natasha also learnt that cancer is a very traumatic experience for most people, and that a good support system plays a big role in their treatment: “I can see that it lifts their spirit and provides them the mental strength to fight the disease.

“The survivors I’ve met here are so kind, caring, and filled with joy. They work hard to ensure that newly diagnosed patients know nobody has to fight cancer alone.”

She hopes that more people can gain knowledge on how to reduce their risk of cancer. “It all starts with one person – yourself – and you can create a ripple effect. Make a difference in people’s lives by volunteering at NCSM.”

Make a difference now: volunteer with us.

Read more of our stories

If you have a story to share,
+603 2698 7300 | contact@cancer.org.my

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